Health Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronyms abound in our health world. Here you'll find many common health acronyms and what they abbreviate. Use the search box for quick health abbreviation lookup!
- P - pulse
- P&A - percussion and auscultation
- p.c. / pc - after meals
- PA - pulmonary artery
- PAC - premature atrial contraction
- PACU - post anesthesia care unit
- PAP - pulmonary artery pressure;Papanicolaou test or smear
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia
- PCN - penicillin
- PCP - primary care physician
- PCWP - pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- PD - Parkinson's disease
- PDD - pervasive developmental disorder
- PDR - physicians desk reference
- PE - physical examination;pulmonary embolism
- PEEP - positive end expiratory pressure
- PERL - pupils equal and reactive to light
- PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
- PET - positron emission tomography
- PFT - pulmonary function testing
- PI - present illness
- PICU - pediatric intensive care unit
- PID - pelvic inflammatory disease
- PIH - pregnancy induced hypertension
- PLT - platelets
- PMH - past medical history
- po - by mouth
- POD - post-operative day
- POS - positive
- PP - postprandial
- PR - by rectum
- PRBCs - packed red blood cells
- PRN - as needed
- PSA - prostate specific antigen
- PT - physical therapy;prothrombin time
- PTH - parathyroid hormone
- PTT - partial thromboplastin time
- PUD - peptic ulcer disease
- PVC - premature ventricular contraction
- PVD - peripheral vascular disease