Health Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronyms abound in our health world. Here you'll find many common health acronyms and what they abbreviate. Use the search box for quick health abbreviation lookup!
- BBT - basal body temperature
- BCP - birth control pills
- BE - barium enema
- BEE - basal energy expenditure
- bid - twice a day (from Latin bis in die)
- BIPAP - bi-level positive air pressure
- BM - bowel movement;bone marrow;breast milk
- BMI - body mass index
- BP - blood pressure
- BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy
- bpm - beats per minute
- BPP - biophysical profile
- BR - bedrest
- BRP - bathroom privilege
- BS - bowel sounds;breath sounds
- BSA - body surface area
- BSC - bedside commode
- BSE - breast self examination
- BTP - breakthrough pain
- BUN - blood urea nitrogen
- BV - bacterial vaginosis
- BW - body weight
- BW, b/w - blood work
- bx - biopsy