Age Calculators
- When Will I Be Age Calculator - Check when you'll be a specific age, or when you were that age.
- My Age Today Calculator - Get your age today with birthday countdown.
- Age On Date Calculator - Calculate your age on past or future dates.
- Life Clock Calculator - Generate your age clock and chart and see where you are in life!
- Birthday Day Calculator - Charts when birthdays occur.
- Age Milestone Calendar - Quick links for calculating many age milestones: age 21, 40, 50, 65, 90, many more!
- Couples Aging Calculator - Generate your growing old together chart.
- Full Retirement Age Calculator - Age to get full benefits, time til then.
- Compare Life Expectancy - See if people live longer in your country or others.
- Life Expectancy By Country Charts - View longest and shortest, optionally by gender.
- Dog Age Calculator - Calculate your dog's age in human years.
- Cat Age Calculator - Calculate how old a cat is in human years.
- Cat or Person Older Caclulator - Shows who is older
- Age and Fertility Calculator - for women
- Friday the 13th Birthday Calendar - See years with Friday birthdays.
- Reunion Calculator - when your class reunions occur and how old you'll be.
- Reunion Year Calculator - which reunion occurs in any year.
- Midlife Calculator - projects your midlife age.
- Family Generation Calculator - how long a generation in your family lasts.
- Age in Year Calculator - Calculate anyone's age in any year: 2033, 2042, 2050...
- Year If Live To Age Calculator - Calculate year if live until any age: 86, 91, 99...
- Reverse Birthdate Calculator - find out birthday using age on date.
- Reverse Age Calculator - determines birth year based on age (now or in year).
- When Am I Days Old Calculator - Date when you're age in days.
- Day Age Calculator - Your day number on date.
- TV Watching Lifespan Calculator - See how TV time may reduce lifespan.
- Dog Age in Human Years - Quick links to convert chronological dog age to human age
- Age Roman Numeral Style - Convert age to its Roman Numeral equivalent.
- Days Milestone Calendar - Quick links to calculate many age in days milestones.
- Class Reunion Milestone Calendar - Quick links for calculating many reunion milestones: 15th, 25th, 35th reunions; by year: 2025, 2032 and more.
More Age Calculators
- Family Age Clock (at - Generate your family's age clock.
- Half Birthday Calculator (at - Calculate half birthday for yourself, or anyone!
- Family Birthday Calculator (at - Calculate your family's joint birthday
- Birthday Calculator (at - Generate your birthday chart
- Premature Baby Corrected Age Calculator (at