Age In Year Calculator

Calculate how old you will be in a specific year, such as your age in 2037, 2044, 2053. You can also calculate how old you were in a past year.

(Optional) Use if calculating for someone else

Note: When you run this calculator the birth date you enter is saved in a temporary (session) cookie so you do not have re-enter if running the calculator multiple times while visiting our site. The cookie is automatically deleted when your browser closes.

Entry Fields

In the Age In Year field, enter the year for which you are calculating. This can be a future or past year. For example, if you want to calculate how old you will be in the year 2042, enter that as the year.

If you are calculating for someone else, use the Person's Name field. You can age your kids, parents, friends and others at any point in time, past or future. If this field is left blank, it's assumed you are calculating your age in the specified year.

About Calculator

To determine someone's age in a given year, this calculator sets the date in that year to the person's birth date. So, for example, if you were born on August 25, 1997, and you want to know how old you will be in 2036, this calculator determines age by setting the date to August 25, 2036, and then calculates age in year from that.

Can a Person be 2 Ages in 1 Year?

Yes! Everyone, except those born on January 1st, has two different ages in any given year. You can easily calculate a person's second age in a given year by subtracting 1 from the age generated. The other exception is that if the person for whom you are calculating is born on the current date, the person will not have been born yet when 1 day is subtracted.