Health Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronyms abound in our health world. Here you'll find many common health acronyms and what they abbreviate. Use the search box for quick health abbreviation lookup!
- MAE - moves all extremities
- MAO - monoamine oxidase
- MAP - mean arterial pressure
- MAR - medication administration record
- MCV - mean corpuscular volume
- MD - medical doctor
- MDD - major depressive disorder
- MDI - metered dose inhaler
- MI - myocardial infarction
- min(s) - minute(s)
- ml - milliliters
- MLE - midline episiotomy
- mmol - millimole
- MMR - measles, mumps, rubella
- MOM - milk of magnesia
- MRA - magnetic resonance angiography
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
- MS - multiple sclerosis;morphine sulfate;mitral stenosis
- MVA - motor vehicle accident
- MVI - multivitamin injection
- MVP - mitral valve prolapse