Health Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronyms abound in our health world. Here you'll find many common health acronyms and what they abbreviate. Use the search box for quick health abbreviation lookup!
- EBL - estimated blood loss
- EBV - Epstein-Barr virus
- ECG - electrocardiogram
- ED - emergency department
- EDC - estimated date of confinement
- EDD - estimated due date
- EEG - electroencephalogram
- EENT - eye, ear, nose and throat
- EFM - electronic fetal monitoring
- EGD - esophagogastroduodenscopy
- EKG - electrocardiogram
- EMG - electromyogram
- ENT - ear, nose, and throat
- ER - emergency room
- ET - endotracheal
- ETOH - ethanol
- ETT - endotracheal tube
- EUA - examination under anesthesia