Health Abbreviations & Acronyms
Acronyms abound in our health world. Here you'll find many common health acronyms and what they abbreviate. Use the search box for quick health abbreviation lookup!
- GB - gallbladder
- GBS - group B streptococcal
- GDM - gestational diabetes mellitus
- GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease
- GFR - glomerular filtration rate
- GH - growth hormone
- GI - gastrointestinal
- GIFT - gamese intrafallopian transfer
- GNRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone
- GP - general practitioner
- gtt - drops (guttae)
- GTT - glucose tolerance test
- gtt(s) - drop(s) [gutta(e)]
- GVHD - graft-versus-host-disease
- GYN - gynecologic;gynecology