Tracker Charts in Public ChartRooms - Differences, How to?
Most trackers in Binfy have a chart to easily review the data you've tracked. Tracking is done on the tracker's Data Entry tab; Viewing your chart on the Chart tab.
For customizable trackers, such as blood pressure, the chart displays not only for the tracker's main event (in this case blood pressure), but any attached group items: Symptoms, Meds/Vitamins, and Exercise.
Some trackers have corresponding chartrooms where you can opt to share you charts and discuss with other members. For example, the weight tracker has a chartroom, as does the blood pressure tracker. If you opt to share your chart for a given tracker type, you are allowing others to view your tracker data.
For non-customizable trackers with chartroom sharing, both the chart tab and the chartroom have the same chart: the tracker's main event. However, there is a difference to what is shown in the chartroom for customizable trackers versus what you see on your tracker chart tab:
If a tracker is customizable, the chartroom version of your chart will show the main event.
If the tracker allows a symptom group, the symptoms you've attached to the tracker will be shown in the chartroom.
If the tracker allows an exercise group, the exercise chart(s) are NOT shown in the chartroom.
If the tracker allows a med/vitamin group, the med/vitamin chart(s) are NOT shown in the chartroom.
To add your chart to the chartroom:
Click Chartroom from binfy's menu.
Click Manage/Add My Shared Charts (link in upper region of page).
Click the Tracker Chartroom in which you want to share your tracker chart. Then follow the instructions on the page.
Note: You can only share trackers that are in your active list of trackers. If you add a chart to the chartroom, and then remove the tracker, you will automatically delete the chart from the chartroom along with permanent deletion of all posts to the chart.
To remove a chart you've shared:
Click Chartroom from binfy's menu.
Click Manage/Add My Shared Charts (link in upper region of page).
Click the Tracker Chartroom having the shared chart you want to remove. Then follow the instructions on the page for removing your shared chart.
When you remove a shared chart, you will delete the chart from the chartroom along with permanent deletion of all posts to the chart. Removing a shared chart does not effect your view of it on your tracker Chart Tab.