Free Symptom Tracker, Free Symptom Charts
Setup a symptom group to easily track the symptoms you experience most often.
When symptoms occur, quickly track by entering each symptom's severity level, along with any notes. Symptom statistics dashboard shows weekly to monthly averages.

View your symptom charts over any time period to see if your symptoms are staying the same, becoming more bothersome, or getting better. Run symptom comparison reports with other health indicators.

In addition to using the symptom tracker, you can also track hundreds of symptoms using Symptoms AtoZ where you can quick find a symptom and then track it (see headache tracking sample). Plus, add your own symptoms to track.
And that's not all! Many of our other free trackers enable you to attach related symptoms, so while you're using a tracker, you can edit the symptom there as well!
Symptoms are universal to our trackers! Track from your Symptom group, from AtoZ, or from any tracker to which it's attached. It's the same symptom (i.e. a headache is a headache at a specific date and time no matter where it's tracked from) -- there's absolutely no double entry!

Track your symptoms online or from your web-enabled smartphone: it's always in sync!