Free Medication and Vitamin Tracker with Charts
Easily track the meds and vitamins you take most often.

View your meds and vitamins chart to easily see a summary - weekly, monthly, or yearly. Quick statistics show daily, weekly, and monthly totals.

Track your vitamins and meds online or from your mobile smartphone (always synced).
You can also individually track a med or vitamin using Medications AtoZ, a useful option particularly for over-the-counter remedies that you use only occasionally.
For your convenience, you can attach meds and vitamins related to many trackers, making it simple to track both together.
Meds/Vitamins are universal to our trackers! Track from your Meds/Vitamins group, from AtoZ, or from any tracker to which it's attached -- absolutely no double entry!
You can add a limited number of your own RX and OTC remedies. For example: Synthroid in the sample at right is a custom entry.