Hair Age Calculator

Calculate approximately how old your hair is, from your longest strands to shortest. Your hair age estimate is how long hair on your head has been with you!

Enter for any strand of hair

How much hair grows a month. Default: .5 inch (1.27cm)

Applies to Hair Growth Rate and Hair Length

Leave blank if you!

Hair Age Calculator Entry Fields

Use Hair Length Unit to indicate if you want to calculate in inches or centimeters. Once set, enter hair length and growth rate in your selected length unit.

Hair Growth Rate - Specify how much your hair grows per month. Hair grows approximately a half inch (1.27cm) in a month, but may grow more quickly or slowly for you or the person for whom you are calculating. If you know the growth rate, enter it; otherwise, enter .5 if calculating in inches, or 1.27 if calculating centimeters.

Hair Length - Enter the length of the piece of hair you want to age. If your hair is of varying length, you can use this calculator multiple times to age each hair group. For example, if your hair is tapered, shorter in the front and longer in the back, you can age a strand of your hair in front, and then a longer hair strand from the back. Similarly, if your hair style includes bangs, they are usually much shorter.

About Hair Aging Calculations

Keep in mind that hair at the crown (top) of your head will be older than hair that grows closer to your neck or ears! That is, if your hair is cut straight across in the back, the hair at your crown has to be longer, by several inches, in order to match the length of the hair that grows lower down!

The hair being aged may, of course, be older and growing longer than calculated, since one usually has multiple hair cuts and trims over time. For that reason, the hair age estimate is based on the specified length of the hair, and does not factor in haircuts. Also, hair growth rate is not constant, often varying slightly, which can also affect aging.

If I Regret Cutting My Hair, How Long to Grow Back?

This calculator is helpful to determine the age of hair you intend to cut before you go in for a hair style change! That way, you can find out, in advance, how long it would take to grow your hair back in the event you are not happy with the new cut.

For instance, if your hair is long, to the middle of your back (approximately 22 inches), and you were thinking to go shoulder length, which is about 12 inches in length, you'd be cutting off 10 inches of hair. See how long it took to grow those 10 inches with this calculator, which is the same amount of time needed to re-grow it back to the same length.

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